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Alumni Artwork

Alumni Artwork

“My fire represents a strong will and a sense of resilience. In general, it has the ability to grow, diminish and even ignite other fires. My club experience has been about using my voice to find the flame that others were able to ignite in me. Now, it is about using my voice to start a fire so that eventually they can pass on the flame. How we decide to fuel our fire is up to us. 

My fire is fueled by my impact on the younger generation in hopes to spark that fire in them. “

– BGCM Alumna Nathalie B.

Nathalie is a BGCM alumna and continues to serve as a member of our Teen Center Staff. When asked to create a piece of artwork that symbolizes her Club experience, she created the above drawing. 

Each Day Nathalie is using her passion, her voice, and her leadership to spark a fire in the next generation of leaders. 

We are so proud of you Nathalie!